Greehey Children's Cancer Research Institute

Perfil de la organización

Organization profile

Since 2004, UT Health San Antonio, Greehey Children’s Cancer Research Institute’s (GCCRI) mission has been to advance scientific knowledge relevant to childhood cancer, contribute to the understanding of causes of childhood cancer, and accelerate the translation of knowledge into novel therapies. Through discovery, development  and dissemination of new scientific knowledge, GCCRI strives to have a national and global impact on the problem of childhood cancer. Our mission consists of three key areas — research, clinical and education.

Greehey Children’s Cancer Research Institute does not participate directly in patient care, but interacts with members of the Division of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology to provide support for clinical research. Research services at the Institute include: genome sequencing, small animal imaging and computational biology and bioinformatics.


Huella digital

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Colaboraciones y áreas de investigación principales de los últimos cinco años

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