Use of renin-angiotensin inhibitors in people with renal artery stenosis

Kaleigh L. Evans, Katherine R. Tuttle, David A. Folt, Taylor Dawson, Steven T. Haller, Pamela S. Brewster, Wencan He, Kenneth Jamerson, Lance D. Dworkin, Donald E. Cutlip, Timothy P. Murphy, Ralph B. D’Agostino, William Henrich, Christopher J. Cooper

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    32 Scopus citations


    Background and objectives People with atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis may benefit from renin-angiotensin inhibitors, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, and angiotensin-receptor blockers, but little is known about the factors associated with their use. Design, setting, participants, & measurements The Cardiovascular Outcomes in Renal Atherosclerotic Lesions study ( identified: NCT00081731) is a prospective, international, multicenter clinical trial that randomly assigned participants with atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis who received optimalmedical therapy to stenting versus no stenting from May 2005 through January 2010. At baseline, medication information was available from 853 of 931 randomly assigned participants. Kidney function was measured by serum creatinine– based eGFR at a core laboratory. Results Before randomization, renin-angiotensin inhibitorswere used in 419 (49%) of the 853 participants. Reninangiotensin inhibitor use was lower in those with CKD (eGFR,60 ml/min per 1.73 m2) (58% versus 68%; P=0.004) and higher in individuals with diabetes (41% versus 27%; P,0.001). Presence of bilateral renal artery stenosis or congestive heart failure was not associated with renin-angiotensin inhibitor use. Although therapy with renin-angiotensin inhibitors varied by study site, differences in rates of use were not related to the characteristics of the site participants. Participants receiving a renin-angiotensin inhibitor had lower systolic BP (mean6SD, 148623 versus 152623 mmHg; P=0.003) and more often had BP at goal (30% versus 22%; P=0.01). Conclusions Kidney function and diabetes were associated with renin-angiotensin inhibitor use. However, these or other clinical characteristics did not explain variability among study sites. Patients with renal artery stenosis who received renin-angiotensin inhibitor treatment had lower BP and were more likely to be at treatment goal.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Pages (from-to)1199-1206
    Number of pages8
    JournalClinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
    Issue number7
    StatePublished - 2014

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Epidemiology
    • Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine
    • Nephrology
    • Transplantation


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