The type and composition of alginate and hyaluronic-based hydrogels influence the viability of stem cells of the apical papilla

Laure Lambrichta, Pauline De Berdt, Julie Vanacker, Julian Leprince, Anibal Diogenes, Hadi Goldansaz, Caroline Bouzin, Véronique Préat, Christine Dupont-Gillain, Anne Des Rieux

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44 Scopus citations


Objective. The goal of the present work was to evaluate in vitro and in vivo the influence of various types and compositions of natural hydrogels on the viability and metabolic activity of SCAPs. Methods. Two alginate, three hyaluronic-based (Corgel™) hydrogel formulations and Matrigel were characterized for their mechanical, surface and microstructure properties using rheology, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy, respectively. A characterized SCAP cell line (RP89 cells) was encapsulated in the different experimental hydrogel formulations. Cells were cultured in vitro, or implanted in cyclosporine treated mice. In vitro cell viability was evaluated using a Live/Dead assay and in vitro cellular metabolic activity was evaluated with a MTS assay. In vivo cell apoptosis was evaluated by a TUNEL test and RP89 cells were identified by human mitochondria immunostaining. Results. Hydrogel composition influenced their mechanical and surface properties, and their microstructure. In vitro cell viability was above 80% after 2 days but decreased significantly after 7 days (60-40%). Viability at day 7 was the highest in Matrigel (70%) and then in Corgel 1.5 (60%). Metabolic activity increased over time in all the hydrogels, excepted in alginate SLM. SCAPs survived after 1 week in vivo with low apoptosis (<1%). The highest number of RP89 cells was found in Corgel 5.5 (140 cells/mm2). Significance. Collectively, these data demonstrate that SCAP viability was directly modulated by hydrogel composition and suggest that a commercially available hyaluronic acid-based formulation might be a suitable delivery vehicle for SCAP-based dental pulp regeneration strategies.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)e349-e361
JournalDental Materials
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 1 2014


  • Alginate
  • Dental pulp
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Hydrogel
  • Regenerative endodontics
  • SCAP
  • Stem cells
  • Tissue engineering

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Mechanics of Materials
  • General Dentistry
  • General Materials Science


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