Surgical Management of Giant Intracranial Aneurysms: Overall Results of a Large Series

Sabino Luzzi, Cristian Gragnaniello, Alice Giotta Lucifero, Mattia Del Maestro, Renato Galzio

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

37 Scopus citations


Objective: To review and discuss surgical treatment options for giant intracranial aneurysms (GIAs), focusing on indications, technical aspects, and results, along with some illustrative cases. Methods: We reviewed the data of 82 consecutive patients surgically managed between January 2000 and December 2019 for treatment of a GIA. Results: Male sex and hemorrhage at presentation were prevalent. The average follow-up was 81.2 ± 45 months. The anterior circulation was involved in 76.8% of GIAs. If the GIA showed a clear neck, minimal atherosclerosis, or intrasaccular thrombosis, and ≤2 branches arising from the neck, it was reconstructed. This procedure was possible in 78% of cases. The technique also involved temporary clipping, remodeling, and thrombectomy, as well as fragmentation techniques. Angioarchitectural features other than these techniques underwent bypass and aneurysm trapping. Most bypasses were extracranial to intracranial and high flow. Flow capacity, collateral circulation, and availability of the donor vessel mainly affected the choice of the type of bypass. Overall, successful exclusion of the GIA was 91.4%. The need for retreatment and complication rate were 3.6% and 19.5%, respectively. A good overall outcome (modified Rankin Scale score 0–3) was achieved in 84.2% of patients, and mortality was 10%. Conclusions: Microneurosurgical techniques still maintain a significant role for most GIAs, with a high durability and acceptable rate of morbidity and mortality. Clip reconstruction is the first-line surgical treatment option, whereas bypass is indicated in cases of planned or unplanned sacrifice of the parent artery to prevent long-term ischemic complications.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)e119-e137
JournalWorld neurosurgery
StatePublished - Dec 2020
Externally publishedYes


  • Bypass
  • Cerebral revascularization
  • Clipping
  • Complex aneurysms
  • Giant intracranial aneurysms

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Surgery
  • Clinical Neurology


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