Rheumatic chorea

Luiz Paulo Bastos Vasconcelos, Marcelle Cristina Vasconcelos, Maria do Carmo Pereira Nunes, Antonio Lucio Teixeira

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

1 Scopus citations


Rheumatic chorea (RC), also known as Sydenham’s chorea, is a late manifestation of acute rheumatic fever (RF) and represents one of the main diagnostic criteria of the disease. RC is a well-recognized autoimmune movement disorder elicited by group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal (GABHS) pharyngitis. Clinically, RC is characterized by involuntary arrhythmic movements and cognitive and behavioral symptoms. RC supposedly results from basal ganglia dysfunction triggered by cross-reactive antibodies produced during GABHS infection. Recent studies have unveiled specific antibody targets in the basal ganglia possibly implicated in neural circuits dysfunction and, therefore, in the emergence of neurological symptoms. In this chapter, we summarize current evidence on clinical and pathophysiological aspects of RC.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationTranslational Autoimmunity
Subtitle of host publicationVolume 6: Advances in Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases
Number of pages15
ISBN (Electronic)9780323858311
ISBN (Print)9780323984546
StatePublished - Jan 1 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • Autoimmune movement disorders
  • Neuropsychiatric manifestation
  • Rheumatic chorea
  • Rheumatic fever
  • Sydenham’s chorea

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine
  • General Immunology and Microbiology


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