Objective assessment of physician work in infrainguinal arterial bypass surgery

Matthew Blecha, Trissa Babrowski, Ashley Penton, Cindy Cruz Alvarez, Michael Parker, Matthew DeJong, Matthew Sideman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objective: The purpose of this study is obtain robust objective data from the Vascular Quality Initiative on physician work in infrainguinal artery bypass surgery. Operative time, patient comorbidities, anatomical complexity, consequences of adverse outcomes, and postoperative length of stay all factor into procedure relative value unit assignment and physician reimbursement. Methods: Baseline demographics and comorbidities were identified among 74,920 infrainguinal bypass surgeries in Vascular Quality Initiative between 2003 and 2022. Investigation into areas of progressive complexity over time was conducted. Bypasses were divided into 10 cohorts based on inflow and target arteries and conduit type. Mean operative times, lengths of stay, major morbidity rates, and 90-day mortality rates were identified across the various bypasses. Comparison of relative value unit per minute service time during the acute inpatient hospital admission was performed between the most 4 common bypasses and 14 commonly performed highly invasive major surgeries across several subdisciplines. Results: Patients undergoing infrainguinal arterial bypass have an advanced combination of medical complexities highlighted by diabetes mellitus in 40%, hypertension in 88%, body mass index >30 in 30%, coronary artery disease that has clinically manifested in 31%, renal insufficiency in 19%, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in 27%, and prior lower extremity arterial intervention (endovascular and open combined) in >50%. The need for concomitant endarterectomy at the proximal anastomosis site of infrainguinal bypasses has increased over time (P <.001). The indication for bypass being limb-threatening ischemia as defined by ischemic rest pain, pedal tissue loss, or acute ischemia has also increased over time (P <.001), indicating more advanced extent of arterial occlusion in patients undergoing infrainguinal bypass. Finally, there has been a significant (P <.001) progression in the percentage of patients who have undergone a prior ipsilateral lower extremity endovascular intervention at the time of their bypass (increasing from 9.9% in 2003-2010 to 31.9% in the 2018-2022 eras). Among the 18 procedures investigated, the 4 most commonly performed infrainguinal bypasses were included in the analysis. These ranked 14th, 16th, 17th and 18th as the most poorly compensated per minute service time during the acute operative inpatient stay. Conclusions: Infrainguinal arterial bypass surgery has an objectively undervalued physician work relative value unit compared with other highly invasive major surgeries across several subdisciplines. There are elements of progressive complexity in infrainguinal bypass patients over the past 20 years among a patient cohort with a very high comorbidity rate, indicating escalating intensity for infrainguinal bypass.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1322-1332.e1
JournalJournal of vascular surgery
Issue number5
StatePublished - Nov 2023


  • Infra-inguinal bypass
  • Physician Labor
  • Work RVU

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Surgery
  • Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine


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