Multiple factors influence glomerular albumin permeability in rats

Ruben M. Sandoval, Mark C. Wagner, Monica Patel, Silvia B. Campos-Bilderback, George J. Rhodes, Exing Wang, Sarah E. Wean, Sherry S. Clendenon, Bruce A. Molitoris

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80 Scopus citations


Different laboratories recently reported incongruous results describing the quantification of albumin filtration using two-photon microscopy. We investigated the factors that influence the glomerular sieving coefficient for albumin (GSCA) in an effort to explain these discordant reports and to develop standard operating procedures for determining GSCA. Multiple factors influenced GSCA, including the kidney depth of image acquisition (10-20 μm was appropriate), the selection of fluorophore (probes emitting longer wavelengths were superior), the selection of plasma regions for fluorescence measurements, the size and molecular dispersion characteristics of dextran polymers if used, dietary status, and the genetic strain of rat. Fasting reduced the GSCA in Simonsen Munich Wistar rats from 0.035±0.005 to 0.016±0.004 (P<0.01). Frömter Munich Wistar rats had amuch lower GSCA in both the fed and the fasted states. Finally, we documented extensive albumin transcytosis with vesicular and tubular delivery to and fusion with the basolateral membrane in S1 proximal tubule cells. In summary, these results help explain the previously conflicting microscopy and micropuncture data describing albumin filtration and highlight the dynamic nature of glomerular albumin permeability.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)447-457
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of the American Society of Nephrology
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 2012
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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