Multidetector CT angiography of infrainguinal arterial bypass

Jorge E. Lopera, Clayton K. Trimmer, Shellie G. Josephs, Matthew E. Anderson, Scott Schuber, Ruizong Li, Bart Dolmatch, Boulos Toursarkissian

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


Infrainguinal arterial bypass (IGAB) surgery is commonly performed in patients with claudication, critical limb ischemia, or other arterial problems in the lower extremities. An IGAB is constructed from different materials depending on the anatomy of the lesion and the availability of an autogenous vein. The ideal material for IGAB is the greater saphenous vein, especially for distal below-knee bypass. In patients with no available autogenous vein, IGAB can be performed by using different prosthetic materials or biologic grafts. After the surgery, periodic surveillance is performed with duplex ultrasonography and clinical assessment of peripheral pulses and ankle-brachial indexes. If complications are detected, further work-up is performed with conventional arteriography, multidetector computed tomographic (CT) angiography, or magnetic resonance angiography. CT angiography has become a powerful tool for assessing the potential early and late complications of IGAB and for planning further therapy in a fast, reliable, and noninvasive manner.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)529-548
Number of pages20
Issue number2
StatePublished - Mar 2008

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Radiology Nuclear Medicine and imaging


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