Joint American Academy of Dermatology–National Psoriasis Foundation guidelines of care for the management and treatment of psoriasis with phototherapy

Craig A. Elmets, Henry W. Lim, Benjamin Stoff, Cody Connor, Kelly M. Cordoro, Mark Lebwohl, April W. Armstrong, Dawn M.R. Davis, Boni E. Elewski, Joel M. Gelfand, Kenneth B. Gordon, Alice B. Gottlieb, Daniel H. Kaplan, Arthur Kavanaugh, Matthew Kiselica, D. Kivelevitch, Neil J. Korman, Daniela Kroshinsky, Craig L. Leonardi, J. LichtenNehal N. Mehta, A. S. Paller, Sylvia L. Parra, Arun L. Pathy, Elizabeth A. Farley Prater, Reena N. Rupani, Michael Siegel, Bruce E. Strober, Emily B. Wong, Jashin J. Wu, Vidhya Hariharan, Alan Menter

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

122 Scopus citations


Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease involving multiple organ systems and affecting approximately 3.2% of the world's population. In this section of the guidelines of care for psoriasis, we will focus the discussion on ultraviolet (UV) light–based therapies, which include narrowband and broadband UVB, UVA in conjunction with photosensitizing agents, targeted UVB treatments such as with an excimer laser, and several other modalities and variations of these core phototherapies, including newer applications of pulsed dye lasers, intense pulse light, and light-emitting electrodes. We will provide an in-depth, evidence-based discussion of efficacy and safety for each treatment modality and provide recommendations and guidance for the use of these therapies alone or in conjunction with other topical and/or systemic psoriasis treatments.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)775-804
Number of pages30
JournalJournal of the American Academy of Dermatology
Issue number3
StatePublished - Sep 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • Goeckerman
  • PUVA (topical
  • bath
  • climatotherapy
  • grenz ray
  • intense pulsed dye laser
  • narrowband ultraviolet light A (NB-UVA)
  • narrowband ultraviolet light B (NB-UVB)
  • oral)
  • photochemotherapy
  • photodynamic therapy
  • phototherapy
  • psoralen ultraviolet light A
  • psoriasis
  • pulsed dye laser
  • visible light

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Dermatology


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