Experimental Pneumococcal Meningitis: III. Chemotactic Activity in Cerebrospinal Fluid

Charles M. Nolan, Robert A. Clark, Harry N. Beaty

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

22 Scopus citations


Chemotactic activity was assayed in CSF of rabbits with pneumococcal meningitis to further characterize the inflammatory response in this infection. CSF chemotactic activity was detected in increasing levels for 72 hr after infection. Activity was stable at 56° and was inactivated by agents which denature proteins. Gel filtration demonstrated two chemotactically active fractions in infected CSF with mol wts of approximately 3000 and 11,000. Bacterial products appear to account for a portion of the observed CSF chemotactic activity, but the role of host factors remains to be clarified.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)134-136
Number of pages3
JournalProceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine
Issue number1
StatePublished - Oct 1975
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology


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