Didanosine compared with continuation of zidovudine in HIV-infected patients with signs of clinical deterioration while receiving zidovudine: A randomized, double-blind clinical trial
Spotswood L. Spruance, Andrew T. Pavia, Dolores Peterson, Allison Berry, Richard Pollard, Thomas F. Patterson, Ian Frank, Scot C. Remick, Melanie Thompson, Rodger D. MacArthur, G. E. Morey, Carlos H. Ramirez-Ronda, Barry M. Bernstein, Donna E. Sweet, Lawrence Crane, Eskild A. Peterson, Constance T. Pachucki, Stephen L. Green, Jerry Brand, Adan RiosLisa M. Dunkle, Anne Cross, Michael J. Brown, Peter Ingraham, Ronald Gugliotti, Andrew H. Schindzielorz, Laurie Smaldone
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