Comparative lifespan and healthspan of nonhuman primate species common to biomedical research

Hillary F. Huber, Hannah C. Ainsworth, Ellen E. Quillen, Adam Salmon, Corinna Ross, Adinda D. Azhar, Karen Bales, Michele A. Basso, Kristine Coleman, Ricki Colman, Huda S. Darusman, William Hopkins, Charlotte E. Hotchkiss, Matthew J. Jorgensen, Kylie Kavanagh, Cun Li, Julie A. Mattison, Peter W. Nathanielsz, Suryo Saputro, Diana G. ScorpioPaul Michael Sosa, Eric J. Vallender, Yaomin Wang, Caroline J. Zeiss, Carol A. Shively, Laura A. Cox

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


There is a critical need to generate age- and sex-specific survival curves to characterize chronological aging consistently across nonhuman primates (NHP) used in biomedical research. Sex-specific Kaplan–Meier survival curves were computed in 12 translational aging models: baboon, bonnet macaque, chimpanzee, common marmoset, coppery titi monkey, cotton-top tamarin, cynomolgus macaque, Japanese macaque, pigtail macaque, rhesus macaque, squirrel monkey, and vervet/African green. After employing strict inclusion criteria, primary results are based on 12,269 NHPs that survived to adulthood and died of natural/health-related causes. A secondary analysis was completed for 32,616 NHPs that died of any cause. Results show a pattern of reduced male survival among catarrhines (African and Asian primates), especially macaques, but not platyrrhines (Central and South American primates). For many species, median lifespans were lower than previously reported. An important consideration is that these analyses may offer a better reflection of healthspan than lifespan since research NHPs are typically euthanized for humane welfare reasons before their natural end of life. This resource represents the most comprehensive characterization of sex-specific lifespan and age-at-death distributions for 12 biomedically relevant species, to date. These results clarify relationships among NHP ages and provide a valuable resource for the aging research community, improving human-NHP age equivalencies, informing investigators of expected survival rates, providing a metric for comparisons in future studies, and contributing to understanding of factors driving lifespan differences within and among species.

Original languageEnglish (US)
StateAccepted/In press - 2024


  • Aging
  • Healthspan
  • Lifespan
  • Longevity
  • Nonhuman primates
  • Survival
  • Translational

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Aging
  • veterinary (miscalleneous)
  • Complementary and alternative medicine
  • Geriatrics and Gerontology
  • Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine


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