Association of novel markers of liver disease with neonatal liver disease in premature baboons, Papio sp.

Laura M. Keller, Stephanie Eighmy, Cun Li, Lauryn Winter, Jay Kerecman, Zachary Goodman, Naveen Mittal, Cynthia L. Blanco

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Parenteral Nutrition (PN) Associated Liver Disease (PNALD) affects up to 60% of neonates; however, techniques for diagnosing and monitoring disease progression remain limited. The neonatal baboon model may provide a unique opportunity to identify serologic markers associated with this disease. The purpose of this study was to investigate if Hyaluronic Acid (HA), TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 1 (TIMP1), Amino-terminal Propeptide of Type-III Collagen (PIIINP) and Enhanced Liver Fibrosis (ELF) score associate with histological liver disease in neonatal baboons exposed to PN. Preterm baboons delivered via c-section at 67% gestation received PN for 14 days with or without Intralipid (PRT+IL, PRT-IL, respectively) or were sacrificed after birth (PRTCTR). Term baboons were sacrificed after birth (TERMCTR) or survived 14 days (TERM+14d). Serum HA, TIMP1, and PIIINP concentrations were measured by ELISA. A blinded pathologist assigned liver histological scores following necropsy. HA increased 9.1-fold, TIMP1 increased 2.2-fold, and ELF score increased 1.4-fold in PRT-IL compared to PRTCTR. ALT, AST, and GGT were within normal limits and did not vary between groups. A trend towards increased fibrosis was found in PRT-IL baboons. Microvesicular hepatocyte steatosis and Kupffer cell hypertrophy were elevated in PRT-IL vs PRTCTR. HA and TIMP1 were significantly elevated in preterm baboons with early histological findings of liver disease evidenced by hepatic steatosis, Kupffer cell hypertrophy and a trend towards fibrosis whereas traditional markers of liver disease remained normal. These novel markers could potentially be utilized for monitoring early hepatic injury in neonates.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numbere0228985
JournalPloS one
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2020

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