A meta-analysis of post-exercise outcomes in people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Cara Donohue, Giselle Carnaby, Mary Catherine Reilly, Ryan J. Colquhoun, David Lacomis, Kendrea L.(Focht) Garand

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Objective: To systematically evaluate post-exercise outcomes related to function and quality of life in people with ALS. Methods: PRISMA guidelines were used for identifying and extracting articles. Levels of evidence and quality of articles were judged based on The Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine Levels of Evidence and the QualSyst. Outcomes were analyzed with Comprehensive Meta-Analysis V2 software, random effects models, and Hedge's G. Effects were examined at 0–4 months, up to 6 months, and > 6 months. Pre-specified sensitivity analyses were performed for 1) controlled trials vs. all studies and 2) ALSFRS-R bulbar, respiratory, and motor subscales. Heterogeneity of pooled outcomes was computed with the I2 statistic. Results: 16 studies and seven functional outcomes met inclusion for the meta-analysis. Of the outcomes explored, the ALSFRS-R demonstrated a favorable summary effect size and had acceptable heterogeneity and dispersion. While FIM scores demonstrated a favorable summary effect size, heterogeneity limited interpretations. Other outcomes did not demonstrate a favorable summary effect size and/or could not be reported due to few studies reporting outcomes. Conclusions: This study provides inconclusive guidance regarding exercise regimens to maintain function and quality of life in people with ALS due to study limitations (e.g., small sample size, high attrition rate, heterogeneity in methods and participants, etc.). Future research is warranted to determine optimal treatment regimens and dosage parameters in this patient population.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number100452
StatePublished - Jun 2023


  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • Exercise
  • Motor neuron disease
  • Outcome measures
  • Rehabilitation

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Neurology


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