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  • 2024
    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Comparison of Thrombophilia Assay Results for the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis Scientific and Standardization Committee Plasma Standard from Different External Quality Assessment Providers-for the External Quality Assurance in Thrombosis and Haemostasis Group

    Jennings, I., Meijer, P., Arunachalam, S., Marlar, R. A., Olson, J. D., Zantek, N. D., Bon, C., Dean, E., Hollestelle, M. J., Meley, R., Plumhoff, E. A., Reilly-Stitt, C., Salazar, E., Smock, K. J., Spannagl, M. & Walker, I. D., 2024, (Accepted/In press) In: Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • Current advances in 2024: A critical review of selected topics by the Association for the Advancement of Blood and Biotherapies (AABB) Clinical Transfusion Medicine Committee

    Poston, J. N., Andrews, J., Arya, S., Chou, S. T., Cohn, C., Covington, M., Crowe, E. P., Goel, R., Gupta, G. K., Haspel, R. L., Hess, A., Ipe, T. S., Jacobson, J., Khan, J., Murphy, M., O'Brien, K., Pagano, M. B., Panigrahi, A. K., Salazar, E. & Saifee, N. H. & 4 others, Stolla, M., Zantek, N. D., Ziman, A. & Metcalf, R. A., Oct 2024, In: Transfusion. 64, 10, p. 2019-2028 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • IgG4-related kidney disease: Clinicopathologic features, differential diagnosis, and mimics

    Gilani, S. I., Buglioni, A. & Cornell, L. D., Mar 2024, In: Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology. 41, 2, p. 88-94 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    4 Scopus citations
  • Imaging update on gallbladder adenomyomatosis and its mimics

    Bonde, A. A., Virarkar, M., Zahid, M., Jaganathan, S., Menendez, M. J., Calimano, L., Foster, B. R., Fritze, D., Thomas, C. L. & Gupta, P., Jan 2024, In: Clinical Imaging. 105, 109997.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Novel antifungals and treatment approaches to tackle resistance and improve outcomes of invasive fungal disease

    Hoenigl, M., Arastehfar, A., Arendrup, M. C., Brüggemann, R., Carvalho, A., Chiller, T., Chen, S., Egger, M., Feys, S., Gangneux, J. P., Gold, J. A. W., Groll, A. H., Heylen, J., Jenks, J. D., Krause, R., Lagrou, K., Lamoth, F., Prattes, J., Sedik, S. & Wauters, J. & 2 others, Wiederhold, N. P. & Thompson, G. R., Jun 2024, In: Clinical Microbiology Reviews. 37, 2

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    21 Scopus citations
  • The Laws of Attraction: Chemokines as Critical Mediators in Cancer Progression and Immunotherapy Response in Bladder Cancer

    Hassouneh, Z., Kim, M. E., Bowman, N., Rao, M., Zhang, N., Huang, G., Svatek, R. S. & Mukherjee, N., Oct 2024, In: Cancers. 16, 19, 3303.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Walking blood bank: a plan to ensure self-sufficiency in an era of blood shortage

    Brigmon, E. P., Cirone, J., Harrell, K., Greebon, L., Ngamsuntikul, S., Mendoza, A., Epley, E., Eastridge, B., Nicholson, S. & Jenkins, D. H., Jan 6 2024, In: Trauma Surgery and Acute Care Open. 9, Suppl 1, e001151.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    6 Scopus citations
  • 2023

    A conceptual framework for nomenclatural stability and validity of medically important fungi: a proposed global consensus guideline for fungal name changes supported by ABP, ASM, CLSI, ECMM, ESCMID-EFISG, EUCAST-AFST, FDLC, IDSA, ISHAM, MMSA, and MSGERC

    Walsh, T. J., de Hoog, S., Ahmed, S. A., Alastruey-Izquierdo, A., Alexander, B. D., Arendrup, M. C., Babady, E., Bai, F. Y., Balada-Llasat, J. M., Borman, A., Chowdhary, A., Clark, A., Colgrove, R. C., Cornely, O. A., Dingle, T. C., Dufresne, P. J., Fuller, J., Gangneux, J. P., Gibas, C. & Glasgow, H. & 47 others, Gräser, Y., Guillot, J., Groll, A. H., Haase, G., Hanson, K., Harrington, A., Hawksworth, D. L., Hayden, R. T., Hoenigl, M., Hubka, V., Johnson, K., Kus, J. V., Li, R., Meis, J. F., Lackner, M., Lanternier, F., Leal, S. M., Lee, F., Lockhart, S. R., Luethy, P., Martin, I., Kwon-Chung, K. J., Meyer, W., Nguyen, M. H., Ostrosky-Zeichner, L., Palavecino, E., Pancholi, P., Pappas, P. G., Procop, G. W., Redhead, S. A., Rhoads, D. D., Riedel, S., Stevens, B., Sullivan, K. O., Vergidis, P., Roilides, E., Seyedmousavi, A., Tao, L., Vicente, V. A., Vitale, R. G., Wang, Q. M., Wengenack, N. L., Westblade, L., Wiederhold, N., White, L., Wojewoda, C. M. & Zhang, S. X., 2023, In: Journal of clinical microbiology. 61, 11

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    24 Scopus citations
  • Chemoprevention of neuroblastoma: progress and promise beyond uncertainties

    Aravindan, N., Natarajan, M., Somasundaram, D. B. & Aravindan, S., 2023, In: Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment. 9, A13.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    2 Scopus citations
  • Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE): criteria for neuropathological diagnosis and relationship to repetitive head impacts

    McKee, A. C., Stein, T. D., Huber, B. R., Crary, J. F., Bieniek, K., Dickson, D., Alvarez, V. E., Cherry, J. D., Farrell, K., Butler, M., Uretsky, M., Abdolmohammadi, B., Alosco, M. L., Tripodis, Y., Mez, J. & Daneshvar, D. H., Apr 2023, In: Acta Neuropathologica. 145, 4, p. 371-394 24 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    79 Scopus citations
  • Current advances in 2022: A critical review of selected topics by the Association for the Advancement of Blood and Biotherapies (AABB) Clinical Transfusion Medicine Committee

    Metcalf, R. A., Cohn, C. S., Bakhtary, S., Gniadek, T., Gupta, G., Harm, S., Haspel, R. L., Hess, A. S., Jacobson, J., Lokhandwala, P. M., Murphy, C., Poston, J. N., Prochaska, M. T., Raval, J. S., Saifee, N. H., Salazar, E., Shan, H., Zantek, N. D. & Pagano, M. B., 2023, (Accepted/In press) In: Transfusion. 63, 8, p. 1590-1600 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Epidemiology and Prevalence of Azole-Resistant Aspergillus fumigatus: What Is Our Understanding of the Situation?

    Wiederhold, N. P., Sep 2023, In: Current Fungal Infection Reports. 17, 3, p. 177-187 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • Melatonin modulates tumor metabolism and mitigates metastasis

    Reiter, R. J., Sharma, R., Tan, D. X., Huang, G., de Almeida Chuffa, L. G. & Anderson, G., 2023, (Accepted/In press) In: Expert Review of Endocrinology and Metabolism. 18, 4, p. 321-336 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    7 Scopus citations
  • Red Blood Cell Transfusion: 2023 AABB International Guidelines

    Carson, J. L., Stanworth, S. J., Guyatt, G., Valentine, S., Dennis, J., Bakhtary, S., Cohn, C. S., Dubon, A., Grossman, B. J., Gupta, G. K., Hess, A. S., Jacobson, J. L., Kaplan, L. J., Lin, Y., Metcalf, R. A., Murphy, C. H., Pavenski, K., Prochaska, M. T., Raval, J. S. & Salazar, E. & 7 others, Saifee, N. H., Tobian, A. A. R., So-Osman, C., Waters, J., Wood, E. M., Zantek, N. D. & Pagano, M. B., Nov 21 2023, In: JAMA. 330, 19, p. 1892-1902 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    109 Scopus citations
  • Utility of triazole antifungal therapeutic drug monitoring: Insights from the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists : Endorsed by the Mycoses Study Group Education and Research Consortium

    McCreary, E. K., Davis, M. R., Narayanan, N., Andes, D. R., Cattaneo, D., Christian, R., Lewis, R. E., Watt, K. M., Wiederhold, N. P. & Johnson, M. D., Oct 2023, In: Pharmacotherapy. 43, 10, p. 1043-1050 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    30 Scopus citations
  • 2022

    Artificial intelligence in clinical and translational science: Successes, challenges and opportunities

    Bernstam, E. V., Shireman, P. K., Meric-Bernstam, F., N. Zozus, M., Jiang, X., Brimhall, B. B., Windham, A. K., Schmidt, S., Visweswaran, S., Ye, Y., Goodrum, H., Ling, Y., Barapatre, S. & Becich, M. J., Feb 2022, In: Clinical and translational science. 15, 2, p. 309-321 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    20 Scopus citations
  • ASXL1/2 mutations and myeloid malignancies

    Medina, E. A., Delma, C. R. & Yang, F. C., Dec 2022, In: Journal of Hematology and Oncology. 15, 1, 127.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    22 Scopus citations
  • Emerging Fungal Infections: New Species, New Names, and Antifungal Resistance

    Wiederhold, N. P., Jan 1 2022, In: Clinical Chemistry. 68, 1, p. 83-90 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    48 Scopus citations
  • Invasive candidiasis: investigational drugs in the clinical development pipeline and mechanisms of action

    Hoenigl, M., Sprute, R., Arastehfar, A., Perfect, J. R., Lass-Flörl, C., Bellmann, R., Prattes, J., Thompson, G. R., Wiederhold, N. P., Al Obaidi, M. M., Willinger, B., Arendrup, M. C., Koehler, P., Oliverio, M., Egger, M., Schwartz, I. S., Cornely, O. A., Pappas, P. G. & Krause, R., 2022, In: Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 31, 8, p. 795-812 18 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    30 Scopus citations
  • Is 5q deletion in de novo Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML) with excess blasts a surrogate marker for the cryptic t(7;21)(p22;q22)? A case report and review of literature

    Johnston, R. D., Sayedian, F. H., Mendiola, C., Ehman, W., Ortega, V. & Velagaleti, G. V. N., Apr 2022, In: Cancer Genetics. 262-263, p. 30-34 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Microglia: Friend and foe in tauopathy

    Odfalk, K. F., Bieniek, K. F. & Hopp, S. C., Sep 2022, In: Progress in Neurobiology. 216, 102306.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    22 Scopus citations
  • Pharmacodynamics, Mechanisms of Action and Resistance, and Spectrum of Activity of New Antifungal Agents

    Wiederhold, N. P., Aug 2022, In: Journal of Fungi. 8, 8, 857.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    36 Scopus citations
  • Precision Targets for Intercepting the Lethal Progression of Prostate Cancer: Potential Avenues for Personalized Therapy

    Christenson, M., Song, C. S., Liu, Y. G. & Chatterjee, B., Feb 1 2022, In: Cancers. 14, 4, 892.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    7 Scopus citations
  • The importance of antimicrobial resistance in medical mycology

    Gow, N. A. R., Johnson, C., Berman, J., Coste, A. T., Cuomo, C. A., Perlin, D. S., Bicanic, T., Harrison, T. S., Wiederhold, N., Bromley, M., Chiller, T. & Edgar, K., Dec 2022, In: Nature communications. 13, 1, 5352.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    111 Scopus citations
  • 2021

    Antifungal Susceptibility Testing: A Primer for Clinicians

    Wiederhold, N. P., Nov 1 2021, In: Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 8, 11, ofab444.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    34 Scopus citations
  • Global guideline for the diagnosis and management of rare yeast infections: an initiative of the ECMM in cooperation with ISHAM and ASM

    Chen, S. C. A., Perfect, J., Colombo, A. L., Cornely, O. A., Groll, A. H., Seidel, D., Albus, K., de Almeida, J. N., Garcia-Effron, G., Gilroy, N., Lass-Flörl, C., Ostrosky-Zeichner, L., Pagano, L., Papp, T., Rautemaa-Richardson, R., Salmanton-García, J., Spec, A., Steinmann, J., Arikan-Akdagli, S. & Arenz, D. E. & 24 others, Sprute, R., Duran-Graeff, L., Freiberger, T., Girmenia, C., Harris, M., Kanj, S. S., Roudbary, M., Lortholary, O., Meletiadis, J., Segal, E., Tuon, F. F., Wiederhold, N., Bicanic, T., Chander, J., Chen, Y. C., Hsueh, P. R., Ip, M., Munoz, P., Spriet, I., Temfack, E., Thompson, L., Tortorano, A. M., Velegraki, A. & Govender, N. P., Dec 2021, In: The Lancet Infectious Diseases. 21, 12, p. e375-e386

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    115 Scopus citations
  • Institutional quality and patient safety programs: An overview for the healthcare epidemiologist

    Sreeramoju, P. V., Palmore, T. N., Lee, G. M., Edmond, M. B., Patterson, J. E., Sepkowitz, K. A., Goldmann, D. A., Henderson, D. K. & Kaye, K. S., Jan 2021, In: Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 42, 1, p. 6-17 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • Real-world Assessment of 2879 COVID-19 Patients Treated With Monoclonal Antibody Therapy: A Propensity Score–Matched Cohort Study

    Cooper, M. H., Christensen, P. A., Salazar, E., Perez, K. K., Graviss, E. A., Nguyen, D., Musser, J. M., Huang, H. J. & Liebl, M. G., 2021, In: Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 8, 11, ofab512.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    13 Scopus citations
  • 2020

    Go Gross or Go Home: The Importance of Gross Examination in Lung Cancer Staging and Diagnosis of Nonneoplastic Diseases

    Huang, T., Hughes, K. T. & Myers, J. L., Jul 1 2020, In: AJSP: Reviews and Reports. 25, 4, p. 156-160 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • Grossing Breast Cancer Specimens: A Comprehensive Review

    Agarwal, A. N., Ritter, J., Dornbluth, N. C., Mais, D. D. & Nazarullah, A. N., Jul 1 2020, In: AJSP: Reviews and Reports. 25, 4, p. 148-155 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • Implications of Evolving and Emerging Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Research for Triazoles and Echinocandins

    Cota, J. M., Giancola, S. E., Benavides, T. M. & Wiederhold, N. P., Sep 1 2020, In: Current Fungal Infection Reports. 14, 3, p. 258-267 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • Review of the novel investigational antifungal olorofim

    Wiederhold, N. P., Sep 2020, In: Journal of Fungi. 6, 3, p. 1-11 11 p., 122.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    92 Scopus citations
  • Thioredoxin and aging: What have we learned from the survival studies?

    Roman, M. G., Flores, L. C., Cunningham, G. M., Cheng, C., Allen, C., Hubbard, G. B., Bai, Y., Saunders, T. L. & Ikeno, Y., 2020, In: Aging Pathobiology and Therapeutics. 2, 3, p. 126-133 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    8 Scopus citations
  • 2019

    Antifungal Resistance Testing and Implications for Management

    Badali, H. & Wiederhold, N. P., Dec 1 2019, In: Current Fungal Infection Reports. 13, 4, p. 274-283 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    14 Scopus citations
  • Open Access
    1142 Scopus citations
  • The enigmatic role of growth hormone in age-related diseases, cognition, and longevity

    Colon, G., Saccon, T., Schneider, A., Cavalcante, M. B., Huffman, D. M., Berryman, D., List, E., Ikeno, Y., Musi, N., Bartke, A., Kopchick, J., Kirkland, J. L., Tchkonia, T. & Masternak, M. M., Dec 1 2019, In: GeroScience. 41, 6, p. 759-774 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    29 Scopus citations
  • 2018

    From the clinical mycology laboratory: New species and changes in fungal taxonomy and nomenclature

    Wiederhold, N. P. & Gibas, C. F. C., Dec 2018, In: Journal of Fungi. 4, 4, 138.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    15 Scopus citations
  • Fungal infections in animals: A patchwork of different situations

    Seyedmousavi, S., Bosco, S., De Hoog, S., Ebel, F., Elad, D., Gomes, R. R., Jacobsen, I. D., Martel, A., Mignon, B., Pasmans, F., Piecková, E., Rodrigues, A. M., Singh, K., Vicente, V. A., Wibbelt, G., Wiederhold, N. P. & Guillot, J., Apr 1 2018, In: Medical mycology. 56, p. S165-S187

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    158 Scopus citations
  • Open Access
    11 Scopus citations
  • Molecular diagnostics in medical mycology

    Wickes, B. L. & Wiederhold, N. P., Dec 1 2018, In: Nature communications. 9, 1, 5135.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    112 Scopus citations
  • 2017

    AKI on CKD: heightened injury, suppressed repair, and the underlying mechanisms

    He, L., Wei, Q., Liu, J., Yi, M., Liu, Y., Liu, H., Sun, L., Peng, Y., Liu, F., Venkatachalam, M. A. & Dong, Z., Nov 2017, In: Kidney international. 92, 5, p. 1071-1083 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    297 Scopus citations
  • Neuroendocrine neoplasms of the genitourinary tract in adults: cross-sectional imaging spectrum

    Katabathina, V., Vikram, R., Olaoya, A., Paspulati, R. M., Nicolas, M. M., Rao, P., Zaheer, A. & Prasad, S. R., May 1 2017, In: Abdominal Radiology. 42, 5, p. 1472-1484 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    10 Scopus citations
  • Pericytes preserve capillary integrity to prevent kidney hypoxia

    Venkatachalam, M. A. & Weinberg, J. M., Mar 2017, In: Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 28, 3, p. 717-719 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    9 Scopus citations
  • Predictors of outcome in phaeochromocytomas and paragangliomas

    Dahia, P. & Nicolas, M., 2017, In: F1000Research. 6, 2160.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    5 Scopus citations
  • Update on Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Antifungals for the Prophylaxis and Treatment of Invasive Fungal Infections

    Schwartz, I. S. & Wiederhold, N. P., Sep 1 2017, In: Current Fungal Infection Reports. 11, 3, p. 75-83 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    6 Scopus citations
  • 2016

    Abdominal manifestations of histiocytic disorders in adults: Imaging perspective

    Sunnapwar, A., Menias, C. O., Ojili, V., Nicolas, M. P., Katre, R., Gangadhar, K. & Nagar, A., 2016, In: British Journal of Radiology. 89, 1065, 20160221.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    2 Scopus citations
  • Echinocandin Resistance in Candida Species: a Review of Recent Developments

    Wiederhold, N. P., Dec 1 2016, In: Current Infectious Disease Reports. 18, 12, 42.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    28 Scopus citations
  • Generalized rash follows ankle ulceration

    Bucher, J., Rahnama-Moghadam, S. & Osswald, S., Jul 2016, In: Journal of Family Practice. 65, 7, p. 489-491 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition)

    Klionsky, D. J., Abdelmohsen, K., Abe, A., Abedin, M. J., Abeliovich, H., Arozena, A. A., Adachi, H., Adams, C. M., Adams, P. D., Adeli, K., Adhihetty, P. J., Adler, S. G., Agam, G., Agarwal, R., Aghi, M. K., Agnello, M., Agostinis, P., Aguilar, P. V., Aguirre-Ghiso, J. & Airoldi, E. M. & 2,442 others, Ait-Si-Ali, S., Akematsu, T., Akporiaye, E. T., Al-Rubeai, M., Albaiceta, G. M., Albanese, C., Albani, D., Albert, M. L., Aldudo, J., Algül, H., Alirezaei, M., Alloza, I., Almasan, A., Almonte-Beceril, M., Alnemri, E. S., Alonso, C., Altan-Bonnet, N., Altieri, D. C., Alvarez, S., Alvarez-Erviti, L., Alves, S., Amadoro, G., Amano, A., Amantini, C., Ambrosio, S., Amelio, I., Amer, A. O., Amessou, M., Amon, A., An, Z., Anania, F. A., Andersen, S. U., Andley, U. P., Andreadi, C. K., Andrieu-Abadie, N., Anel, A., Ann, D. K., Anoopkumar-Dukie, S., Antonioli, M., Aoki, H., Apostolova, N., Aquila, S., Aquilano, K., Araki, K., Arama, E., Aranda, A., Araya, J., Arcaro, A., Arias, E., Arimoto, H., Ariosa, A. R., Armstrong, J. L., Arnould, T., Arsov, I., Asanuma, K., Askanas, V., Asselin, E., Atarashi, R., Atherton, S. S., Atkin, J. D., Attardi, L. D., Auberger, P., Auburger, G., Aurelian, L., Autelli, R., Avagliano, L., Avantaggiati, M. L., Avrahami, L., Azad, N., Awale, S., Bachetti, T., Backer, J. M., Bae, D. H., Bae, J. S., Bae, O. N., Bae, S. H., Baehrecke, E. H., Baek, S. H., Baghdiguian, S., Bagniewska-Zadworna, A., Bai, H., Bai, J., Bai, X. Y., Bailly, Y., Balaji, K. N., Balduini, W., Ballabio, A., Balzan, R., Banerjee, R., Bánhegyi, G., Bao, H., Barbeau, B., Barrachina, M. D., Barreiro, E., Bartel, B., Bartolomé, A., Bassham, D. C., Bassi, M. T., Bast, R. C., Basu, A., Batista, M. T., Batoko, H., Battino, M., Bauckman, K., Baumgarner, B. L., Bayer, K. U., Beale, R., Beaulieu, J. F., Beck, G. R., Becker, C., Beckham, J. D., Bédard, P. A., Bednarski, P. J., Begley, T. J., Behl, C., Behrends, C., Behrens, G. M. N., Behrns, K. E., Bejarano, E., Belaid, A., Belleudi, F., Bénard, G., Berchem, G., Bergamaschi, D., Bergami, M., Berkhout, B., Berliocchi, L., Bernard, A., Bernard, M., Bernassola, F., Bertolotti, A., Bess, A. S., Besteiro, S., Bettuzzi, S., Bhalla, S., Bhattacharyya, S., Bhutia, S. K., Biagosch, C., Bianchi, M. W., Biard-Piechaczyk, M., Billes, V., Bincoletto, C., Bingol, B., Bird, S. W., Bitoun, M., Bjedov, I., Blackstone, C., Blanc, L., Blanco, G. A., Blomhoff, H. K., Boada-Romero, E., Böckler, S., Boes, M., Boesze-Battaglia, K., Boise, L. H., Bolino, A., Boman, A., Bonaldo, P., Bordi, M., Bosch, J., Botana, L. M., Botti, J., Bou, G., Bouché, M., Bouchecareilh, M., Boucher, M. J., Boulton, M. E., Bouret, S. G., Boya, P., Boyer-Guittaut, M., Bozhkov, P. V., Brady, N., Braga, V. M. M., Brancolini, C., Braus, G. H., Bravo-San-Pedro, J. M., Brennan, L. A., Bresnick, E. H., Brest, P., Bridges, D., Bringer, M. A., Brini, M., Brito, G. C., Brodin, B., Brookes, P. S., Brown, E. J., Brown, K., Broxmeyer, H. E., Bruhat, A., Brum, P. C., Brumell, J. H., Brunetti-Pierri, N., Bryson-Richardson, R. J., Buch, S., Buchan, A. M., Budak, H., Bulavin, D. V., Bultman, S. J., Bultynck, G., Bumbasirevic, V., Burelle, Y., Burke, R. E., Burmeister, M., Bütikofer, P., Caberlotto, L., Cadwell, K., Cahova, M., Cai, D., Cai, J., Cai, Q., Calatayud, S., Camougrand, N., Campanella, M., Campbell, G. R., Campbell, M., Campello, S., Candau, R., Caniggia, I., Cantoni, L., Cao, L., Caplan, A. B., Caraglia, M., Cardinali, C., Cardoso, S. M., Carew, J. S., Carleton, L. A., Carlin, C. R., Carloni, S., Carlsson, S. R., Carmona-Gutierrez, D., Carneiro, L. A. M., Carnevali, O., Carra, S., Carrier, A., Carroll, B., Casas, C., Casas, J., Cassinelli, G., Castets, P., Castro-Obregon, S., Cavallini, G., Ceccherini, I., Cecconi, F., Cederbaum, A. I., Ceña, V., Cenci, S., Cerella, C., Cervia, D., Cetrullo, S., Chaachouay, H., Chae, H. J., Chagin, A. S., Chai, C. Y., Chakrabarti, G., Chamilos, G., Chan, E. Y. W., Chan, M. T. V., Chandra, D., Chandra, P., Chang, C. P., Chang, R. C. C., Chang, T. Y., Chatham, J. C., Chatterjee, S., Chauhan, S., Che, Y., Cheetham, M. E., Cheluvappa, R., Chen, C. J., Chen, G., Chen, G. C., Chen, G., Chen, H., Chen, J. W., Chen, J. K., Chen, M., Chen, M., Chen, P., Chen, Q., Chen, Q., Chen, S. D., Chen, S., Chen, S. S. L., Chen, W., Chen, W. J., Chen, W. Q., Chen, W., Chen, X., Chen, Y. H., Chen, Y. G., Chen, Y., Chen, Y., Chen, Y., Chen, Y. J., Chen, Y. Q., Chen, Y., Chen, Z., Chen, Z., Cheng, A., Cheng, C. H. K., Cheng, H., Cheong, H., Cherry, S., Chesney, J., Cheung, C. H. A., Chevet, E., Chi, H. C., Chi, S. G., Chiacchiera, F., Chiang, H. L., Chiarelli, R., Chiariello, M., Chieppa, M., Chin, L. S., Chiong, M., Chiu, G. N. C., Cho, D. H., Cho, S. G., Cho, W. C., Cho, Y. Y., Cho, Y. S., Choi, A. M. K., Choi, E. J., Choi, E. K., Choi, J., Choi, M. E., Choi, S. I., Chou, T. F., Chouaib, S., Choubey, D., Choubey, V., Chow, K. C., Chowdhury, K., Chu, C. T., Chuang, T. H., Chun, T., Chung, H., Chung, T., Chung, Y. L., Chwae, Y. J., Cianfanelli, V., Ciarcia, R., Ciechomska, I. A., Ciriolo, M. R., Cirone, M., Claerhout, S., Clague, M. J., Clària, J., Clarke, P. G. H., Clarke, R., Clementi, E., Cleyrat, C., Cnop, M., Coccia, E. M., Cocco, T., Codogno, P., Coers, J., Cohen, E. E. W., Colecchia, D., Coletto, L., Coll, N. S., Colucci-Guyon, E., Comincini, S., Condello, M., Cook, K. L., Coombs, G. H., Cooper, C. D., Cooper, J. M., Coppens, I., Corasaniti, M. T., Corazzari, M., Corbalan, R., Corcelle-Termeau, E., Cordero, M. D., Corral-Ramos, C., Corti, O., Cossarizza, A., Costelli, P., Costes, S., Cotman, S. L., Coto-Montes, A., Cottet, S., Couve, E., Covey, L. R., Cowart, L. A., Cox, J. S., Coxon, F. P., Coyne, C. B., Cragg, M. S., Craven, R. J., Crepaldi, T., Crespo, J. L., Criollo, A., Crippa, V., Cruz, M. T., Cuervo, A. M., Cuezva, J. M., Cui, T., Cutillas, P. R., Czaja, M. J., Czyzyk-Krzeska, M. F., Dagda, R. K., Dahmen, U., Dai, C., Dai, W., Dai, Y., Dalby, K. N., Valle, L. D., Dalmasso, G., D'amelio, M., Damme, M., Darfeuille-Michaud, A., Dargemont, C., Darley-Usmar, V. M., Dasarathy, S., Dasgupta, B., Dash, S., Dass, C. R., Davey, H. M., Davids, L. M., Dávila, D., Davis, R. J., Dawson, T. M., Dawson, V. L., Daza, P., de Belleroche, J., de Figueiredo, P., de Figueiredo, R. C. B. Q., de la Fuente, J., De Martino, L., De Matteis, A., De Meyer, G. R. Y., De Milito, A., De Santi, M., de Souza, W., De Tata, V., De Zio, D., Debnath, J., Dechant, R., Decuypere, J. P., Deegan, S., Dehay, B., Del Bello, B., Del Re, D. P., Delage-Mourroux, R., Delbridge, L. M. D., Deldicque, L., Delorme-Axford, E., Deng, Y., Dengjel, J., Denizot, M., Dent, P., Der, C. J., Deretic, V., Derrien, B., Deutsch, E., Devarenne, T. P., Devenish, R. J., Di Bartolomeo, S., Di Daniele, N., Di Domenico, F., Di Nardo, A., Di Paola, S., Di Pietro, A., Di Renzo, L., Di Antonio, A., Díaz-Araya, G., Díaz-Laviada, I., Diaz-Meco, M. T., Diaz-Nido, J., Dickey, C. A., Dickson, R. C., Diederich, M., Digard, P., Dikic, I., Dinesh-Kumar, S. P., Ding, C., Ding, W. X., Ding, Z., Dini, L., Distler, J. H. W., Diwan, A., Djavaheri-Mergny, M., Dmytruk, K., Dobson, R. C. J., Doetsch, V., Dokladny, K., Dokudovskaya, S., Donadelli, M., Dong, X. C., Dong, X., Dong, Z., Donohue, T. M., Donohue-Jr, T. M., Doran, K. S., D'orazi, G., Dorn, G. W., Dosenko, V., Dridi, S., Drucker, L., Du, J., Du, L. L., Du, L., du Toit, A., Dua, P., Duan, L., Duann, P., Dubey, V. K., Duchen, M. R., Duchosal, M. A., Duez, H., Dugail, I., Dumit, V. I., Duncan, M. C., Dunlop, E. A., Dunn, W. A., Dupont, N., Dupuis, L., Durán, R. V., Durcan, T. M., Duvezin-Caubet, S., Duvvuri, U., Eapen, V., Ebrahimi-Fakhari, D., Echard, A., Eckhart, L., Edelstein, C. L., Edinger, A. L., Eichinger, L., Eisenberg, T., Eisenberg-Lerner, A., Eissa, N. T., El-Deiry, W. S., El-Khoury, V., Elazar, Z., Eldar-Finkelman, H., Elliott, C. J. H., Emanuele, E., Emmenegger, U., Engedal, N., Engelbrecht, A. M., Engelender, S., Enserink, J. M., Erdmann, R., Erenpreisa, J., Eri, R., Eriksen, J. L., Erman, A., Escalante, R., Eskelinen, E. L., Espert, L., Esteban-Martínez, L., Evans, T. J., Fabri, M., Fabrias, G., Fabrizi, C., Facchiano, A., Færgeman, N. J., Faggioni, A., Fairlie, W. D., Fan, C., Fan, D., Fan, J., Fang, S., Fanto, M., Fanzani, A., Farkas, T., Faure, M., Favier, F. B., Fearnhead, H., Federici, M., Fei, E., Felizardo, T. C., Feng, H., Feng, Y., Feng, Y., Ferguson, T. A., Fernández, Á. F., Fernandez-Barrena, M. G., Fernandez-Checa, J. C., Fernández-López, A., Fernandez-Zapico, M. E., Feron, O., Ferraro, E., Ferreira-Halder, C. V., Fesus, L., Feuer, R., Fiesel, F. C., Filippi-Chiela, E. C., Filomeni, G., Fimia, G. M., Fingert, J. H., Finkbeiner, S., Finkel, T., Fiorito, F., Fisher, P. B., Flajolet, M., Flamigni, F., Florey, O., Florio, S., Floto, R. A., Folini, M., Follo, C., Fon, E. A., Fornai, F., Fortunato, F., Fraldi, A., Franco, R., Francois, A., François, A., Frankel, L. B., Fraser, I. D. C., Frey, N., Freyssenet, D. G., Frezza, C., Friedman, S. L., Frigo, D. E., Fu, D., Fuentes, J. M., Fueyo, J., Fujitani, Y., Fujiwara, Y., Fujiya, M., Fukuda, M., Fulda, S., Fusco, C., Gabryel, B., Gaestel, M., Gailly, P., Gajewska, M., Galadari, S., Galili, G., Galindo, I., Galindo, M. F., Galliciotti, G., Galluzzi, L., Galluzzi, L., Galy, V., Gammoh, N., Gandy, S., Ganesan, A. K., Ganesan, S., Ganley, I. G., Gannagé, M., Gao, F. B., Gao, F., Gao, J. X., Nannig, L. G., Véscovi, E. G., Garcia-Macía, M., Garcia-Ruiz, C., Garg, A. D., Garg, P. K., Gargini, R., Gassen, N. C., Gatica, D., Gatti, E., Gavard, J., Gavathiotis, E., Ge, L., Ge, P., Ge, S., Gean, P. W., Gelmetti, V., Genazzani, A. A., Geng, J., Genschik, P., Gerner, L., Gestwicki, J. E., Gewirtz, D. A., Ghavami, S., Ghigo, E., Ghosh, D., Giammarioli, A. M., Giampieri, F., Giampietri, C., Giatromanolaki, A., Gibbings, D. J., Gibellini, L., Gibson, S. B., Ginet, V., Giordano, A., Giorgini, F., Giovannetti, E., Girardin, S. E., Gispert, S., Giuliano, S., Gladson, C. L., Glavic, A., Gleave, M., Godefroy, N., Gogal, R. M., Gokulan, K., Goldman, G. H., Goletti, D., Goligorsky, M. S., Gomes, A. V., Gomes, L. C., Gomez, H., Gomez-Manzano, C., Gómez-Sánchez, R., Gonçalves, D. A. P., Goncu, E., Gong, Q., Gongora, C., Gonzalez, C. B., Gonzalez-Alegre, P., Gonzalez-Cabo, P., González-Polo, R. A., Goping, I. S., Gorbea, C., Gorbunov, N. V., Goring, D. R., Gorman, A. M., Gorski, S. M., Goruppi, S., Goto-Yamada, S., Gotor, C., Gottlieb, R. A., Gozes, I., Gozuacik, D., Graba, Y., Graef, M., Granato, G. E., Grant, G. D., Grant, S., Gravina, G. L., Green, D. R., Greenhough, A., Greenwood, M. T., Grimaldi, B., Gros, F., Grose, C., Groulx, J. F., Gruber, F., Grumati, P., Grune, T., Guan, J. L., Guan, K. L., Guerra, B., Guillen, C., Gulshan, K., Gunst, J., Guo, C., Guo, L., Guo, M., Guo, W., Guo, X. G., Gust, A. A., Gustafsson, Å. B., Gutierrez, E., Gutierrez, M. G., Gwak, H. S., Haas, A., Haber, J. E., Hadano, S., Hagedorn, M., Hahn, D. R., Halayko, A. J., Hamacher-Brady, A., Hamada, K., Hamai, A., Hamann, A., Hamasaki, M., Hamer, I., Hamid, Q., Hammond, E. M., Han, F., Han, W., Handa, J. T., Hanover, J. A., Hansen, M., Harada, M., Harhaji-Trajkovic, L., Harper, J. W., Harrath, A. H., Harris, A. L., Harris, J., Hasler, U., Hasselblatt, P., Hasui, K., Hawley, R. G., Hawley, T. S., He, C., He, C. Y., He, F., He, G., He, R. R., He, X. H., He, Y. W., He, Y. Y., Heath, J. K., Hébert, M. J., Heinzen, R. A., Helgason, G. V., Hensel, M., Henske, E. P., Her, C., Herman, P. K., Hernández, A., Hernandez, C., Hernández-Tiedra, S., Hetz, C., Hiesinger, P. R., Higaki, K., Hilfiker, S., Hill, B. G., Hill, J. A., Hill, W. D., Hino, K., Hofius, D., Hofman, P., Höglinger, G. U., Höhfeld, J., Holz, M. K., Hong, Y., Hood, D. A., Hoozemans, J. J. M., Hoppe, T., Hsu, C., Hsu, C. Y., Hsu, L. C., Hu, D., Hu, G., Hu, H. M., Hu, H., Hu, M. C., Hu, Y. C., Hu, Z. W., Hua, F., Hua, Y., Huang, C., Huang, H. L., Huang, K. H., Huang, K. Y., Huang, S., Huang, S., Huang, W. P., Huang, Y. R., Huang, Y., Huang, Y., Huber, T. B., Huebbe, P., Huh, W. K., Hulmi, J. J., Hur, G. M., Hurley, J. H., Husak, Z., Hussain, S. N. A., Hussain, S., Hwang, J. J., Hwang, S., Hwang, T. I. S., Ichihara, A., Imai, Y., Imbriano, C., Inomata, M., Into, T., Iovane, V., Iovanna, J. L., Iozzo, R. V., Ip, N. Y., Irazoqui, J. E., Iribarren, P., Isaka, Y., Isakovic, A. J., Ischiropoulos, H., Isenberg, J. S., Ishaq, M., Ishida, H., Ishii, I., Ishmael, J. E., Isidoro, C., Isobe, K. I., Isono, E., Issazadeh-Navikas, S., Itahana, K., Itakura, E., Ivanov, A. I., Iyer, A. K. V., Izquierdo, J. M., Izumi, Y., Izzo, V., Jäättelä, M., Jaber, N., Jackson, D. J., Jackson, W. T., Jacob, T. G., Jacques, T. S., Jagannath, C., Jain, A., Jana, N. R., Jang, B. K., Jani, A., Janji, B., Jannig, P. R., Jansson, P. J., Jean, S., Jendrach, M., Jeon, J. H., Jessen, N., Jeung, E. B., Jia, K., Jia, L., Jiang, H., Jiang, H., Jiang, L., Jiang, T., Jiang, X., Jiang, X., Jiang, Y., Jiang, Y., Jiménez, A., Jin, C., Jin, H., Jin, L., Jin, M., Jin, S., Jinwal, U. K., Jo, E. K., Johansen, T., Johnson, D. E., Johnson, G. V. W., Johnson, J. D., Jonasch, E., Jones, C., Joosten, L. A. B., Jordan, J., Joseph, A. M., Joseph, B., Joubert, A. M., Ju, D., Ju, J., Juan, H. F., Juenemann, K., Juhász, G., Jung, H. S., Jung, J. U., Jung, Y. K., Jungbluth, H., Justice, M. J., Jutten, B., Kaakoush, N. O., Kaarniranta, K., Kaasik, A., Kabuta, T., Kaeffer, B., Kågedal, K., Kahana, A., Kajimura, S., Kakhlon, O., Kalia, M., Kalvakolanu, D. V., Kamada, Y., Kambas, K., Kaminskyy, V. O., Kampinga, H. H., Kandouz, M., Kang, C., Kang, R., Kang, T. C., Kanki, T., Kanneganti, T. D., Kanno, H., Kanthasamy, A. G., Kantorow, M., Kaparakis-Liaskos, M., Kapuy, O., Karantza, V., Karim, M. R., Karmakar, P., Kaser, A., Kaushik, S., Kawula, T., Kaynar, A. M., Ke, P. Y., Ke, Z. J., Kehrl, J. H., Keller, K. E., Kemper, J. K., Kenworthy, A. K., Kepp, O., Kern, A., Kesari, S., Kessel, D., Ketteler, R., Kettelhut, I. D. C., Khambu, B., Khan, M. M., Khandelwal, V. K. M., Khare, S., Kiang, J. G., Kiger, A. A., Kihara, A., Kim, A. L., Kim, C. H., Kim, D. R., Kim, D. H., Kim, E. K., Kim, H. Y., Kim, H. R., Kim, J. S., Kim, J. H., Kim, J. C., Kim, J. H., Kim, K. W., Kim, M. D., Kim, M. M., Kim, P. K., Kim, S. W., Kim, S. Y., Kim, Y. S., Kim, Y., Kimchi, A., Kimmelman, A. C., Kimura, T., King, J. S., Kirkegaard, K., Kirkin, V., Kirshenbaum, L. A., Kishi, S., Kitajima, Y., Kitamoto, K., Kitaoka, Y., Kitazato, K., Kley, R. A., Klimecki, W. T., Klinkenberg, M., Klucken, J., Knævelsrud, H., Knecht, E., Knuppertz, L., Ko, J. L., Kobayashi, S., Koch, J. C., Koechlin-Ramonatxo, C., Koenig, U., Koh, Y. H., Köhler, K., Kohlwein, S. D., Koike, M., Komatsu, M., Kominami, E., Kong, D., Kong, H. J., Konstantakou, E. G., Kopp, B. T., Korcsmaros, T., Korhonen, L., Korolchuk, V. I., Koshkina, N. V., Kou, Y., Koukourakis, M. I., Koumenis, C., Kovács, A. L., Kovács, T., Kovacs, W. J., Koya, D., Kraft, C., Krainc, D., Kramer, H., Kravic-Stevovic, T., Krek, W., Kretz-Remy, C., Krick, R., Krishnamurthy, M., Kriston-Vizi, J., Kroemer, G., Kruer, M. C., Kruger, R., Ktistakis, N. T., Kuchitsu, K., Kuhn, C., Kumar, A. P., Kumar, A., Kumar, A., Kumar, D., Kumar, D., Kumar, R., Kumar, S., Kundu, M., Kung, H. J., Kuno, A., Kuo, S. H., Kuret, J., Kurz, T., Kwok, T., Kwon, T. K., Kwon, Y. T., Kyrmizi, I., La Spada, A. R., Lafont, F., Lahm, T., Lakkaraju, A., Lam, T., Lamark, T., Lancel, S., Landowski, T. H., Lane, D. J. R., Lane, J. D., Lanzi, C., Lapaquette, P., Lapierre, L. R., Laporte, J., Laukkarinen, J., Laurie, G. W., Lavandero, S., Lavie, L., Lavoie, M. J., Law, B. Y. K., Law, H. K. W., Law, K. B., Layfield, R., Lazo, P. A., Le Cam, L., Le Roch, K. G., Le Stunff, H., Leardkamolkarn, V., Lecuit, M., Lee, B. H., Lee, C. H., Lee, E. F., Lee, G. M., Lee, H. J., Lee, H., Lee, J. K., Lee, J., Lee, J. H., Lee, J. H., Lee, M., Lee, M. S., Lee, P. J., Lee, S. W., Lee, S. J., Lee, S. J., Lee, S. Y., Lee, S. H., Lee, S. S., Lee, S. J., Lee, S., Lee, Y. R., Lee, Y. J., Lee, Y. H., Leeuwenburgh, C., Lefort, S., Legouis, R., Lei, J., Lei, Q. Y., Leib, D. A., Leibowitz, G., Lekli, I., Lemaire, S. D., Lemasters, J. J., Lemberg, M. K., Lemoine, A., Leng, S., Lenz, G., Lenzi, P., Lerman, L. O., Barbato, D. L., Leu, J. I. J., Leung, H. Y., Levine, B., Lewis, P. A., Lezoualch, F., Li, C., Li, F., Li, F. J., Li, J., Li, K., Li, L., Li, M., Li, Q., Li, R., Li, S., Li, W., Li, X., Li, Y., Lian, J., Liang, C., Liang, Q., Liao, Y., Liberal, J., Liberski, P. P., Lie, P., Lieberman, A. P., Lim, H. J., Lim, K. L., Lim, K., Lima, R. T., Lin, C. S., Lin, C. F., Lin, F., Lin, F., Lin, F. C., Lin, K., Lin, K. H., Lin, P. H., Lin, T., Lin, W. W., Lin, Y. S., Lin, Y., Linden, R., Lindholm, D., Lindqvist, L. M., Lingor, P., Linkermann, A., Liotta, L. A., Lipinski, M. M., Lira, V. A., Lisanti, M. P., Liton, P. B., Liu, B., Liu, C., Liu, C. F., Liu, F., Liu, H. J., Liu, J., Liu, J. J., Liu, J. L., Liu, K., Liu, L., Liu, L., Liu, Q., Liu, R. Y., Liu, S., Liu, S., Liu, W., Liu, X. D., Liu, X., Liu, X. H., Liu, X., Liu, X., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Liu, Y., Liu, Z., Liu, Z., Liuzzi, J. P., Lizard, G., Ljujic, M., Lodhi, I. J., Logue, S. E., Lokeshwar, B. L., Long, Y. C., Lonial, S., Loos, B., López-Otín, C., López-Vicario, C., Lorente, M., Lorenzi, P. L., Lõrincz, P., Los, M., Lotze, M. T., Lovat, P. E., Lu, B., Lu, B., Lu, J., Lu, Q., Lu, S. M., Lu, S., Lu, Y., Luciano, F., Luckhart, S., Lucocq, J. M., Ludovico, P., Lugea, A., Lukacs, N. W., Lum, J. J., Lund, A. H., Luo, H., Luo, J., Luo, S., Luparello, C., Lyons, T., Ma, J., Ma, Y., Ma, Y., Ma, Z., Machado, J., Machado-Santelli, G. M., Macian, F., MacIntosh, G. C., MacKeigan, J. P., Macleod, K. F., MacMicking, J. D., MacMillan-Crow, L. A., Madeo, F., Madesh, M., Madrigal-Matute, J., Maeda, A., Maeda, T., Maegawa, G., Maellaro, E., Maes, H., Magariños, M., Maiese, K., Maiti, T. K., Maiuri, L., Maiuri, M. C., Maki, C. G., Malli, R., Malorni, W., Maloyan, A., Mami-Chouaib, F., Man, N., Mancias, J. D., Mandelkow, E. M., Mandell, M. A., Manfredi, A. A., Manié, S. N., Manzoni, C., Mao, K., Mao, Z., Mao, Z. W., Marambaud, P., Marconi, A. M., Marelja, Z., Marfe, G., Margeta, M., Margittai, E., Mari, M., Mariani, F. V., Marin, C., Marinelli, S., Mariño, G., Markovic, I., Marquez, R., Martelli, A. M., Martens, S., Martin, K. 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J., Ohmuraya, M., Ohshima, T., Ojha, R., Okamoto, K., Okazaki, T., Oliver, F. J., Ollinger, K., Olsson, S., Orban, D. P., Ordonez, P., Orhon, I., Orosz, L., O'rourke, E. J., Orozco, H., Ortega, A. L., Ortona, E., Osellame, L. D., Oshima, J., Oshima, S., Osiewacz, H. D., Otomo, T., Otsu, K., Ou, J. H. J., Outeiro, T. F., Ouyang, D. Y., Ouyang, H., Overholtzer, M., Ozbun, M. A., Ozdinler, P. H., Ozpolat, B., Pacelli, C., Paganetti, P., Page, G., Pages, G., Pagnini, U., Pajak, B., Pak, S. C., Pakos-Zebrucka, K., Pakpour, N., Palková, Z., Palladino, F., Pallauf, K., Pallet, N., Palmieri, M., Paludan, S. R., Palumbo, C., Palumbo, S., Pampliega, O., Pan, H., Pan, W., Panaretakis, T., Pandey, A., Pantazopoulou, A., Papackova, Z., Papademetrio, D. L., Papassideri, I., Papini, A., Parajuli, N., Pardo, J., Parekh, V. V., Parenti, G., Park, J. I., Park, J., Park, O. K., Parker, R., Parlato, R., Parys, J. B., Parzych, K. R., Pasquet, J. M., Pasquier, B., Pasumarthi, K. B. 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L., Proikas-Cezanne, T., Prokisch, H., Promponas, V. J., Przyklenk, K., Puertollano, R., Pugazhenthi, S., Puglielli, L., Pujol, A., Puyal, J., Pyeon, D., Qi, X., Qian, W. B., Qin, Z. H., Qiu, Y., Qu, Z., Quadrilatero, J., Quinn, F., Raben, N., Rabinowich, H., Radogna, F., Ragusa, M. J., Rahmani, M., Raina, K., Ramanadham, S., Ramesh, R., Rami, A., Randall-Demllo, S., Randow, F., Rao, H., Rao, V. A., Rasmussen, B. B., Rasse, T. M., Ratovitski, E. A., Rautou, P. E., Ray, S. K., Razani, B., Reed, B. H., Reggiori, F., Rehm, M., Reichert, A. S., Rein, T., Reiner, D. J., Reits, E., Ren, J., Ren, X., Renna, M., Reusch, J. E. B., Revuelta, J. L., Reyes, L., Rezaie, A. R., Richards, R. I., Richardson, D. R., Richetta, C., Riehle, M. A., Rihn, B. H., Rikihisa, Y., Riley, B. E., Rimbach, G., Rippo, M. R., Ritis, K., Rizzi, F., Rizzo, E., Roach, P. J., Robbins, J., Roberge, M., Roca, G., Roccheri, M. C., Rocha, S., Rodrigues, C. M. P., Rodríguez, C. I., de Cordoba, S. 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