Data for: Comparison of photothermal radiometry and modulated luminescence, intraoral radiography and cone beam computed tomography for detection of natural caries under restorations.

  • Adeyinka F. Dayo (Contributor)
  • Bennett T. Amaechi (Contributor)
  • Marcel Noujeim (Contributor)
  • S. Thomas Deahl (Contributor)
  • Peter Gakunga (Contributor)
  • Rujuta Katkar (Contributor)



Radiographs though valuable in the detection of advanced caries lesions, are less sensitive for early or recurrent lesions under restorations. The canary system based on the photothermal radiometry and modulated luminescence which involves non-ionizing radiation can serve as a sensitive adjunct in early caries detection.
Date made availableApr 26 2021
PublisherMendeley Data

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